SINGLE REVIEW: Jealousy by Trevor Drury

In his new single, “Jealousy,” one of the hottest tracks dropped by him thus far, we get the privilege of enjoying a fusion of genres shamelessly blended together to create a fierce theme song for the betrayed. “Baby, I feel jealousy… rising from the deep blue sea…” he tells us in the opening lines of the song, and you can feel the emotional waves beginning to overtake us and pull us asunder. “I want… I want… I want control,” he begs during the chorus, insisting that he’s on the brink of suicide just bearing the thought of his love being touched by another. His possessive grip over this romance begins to slide away as a psychedelic solo penetrates the second chorus, scratching at the door like a broken slide whistle. It’s all incredibly, painfully relatable if you’ve ever been in love and lost, and seen that person end up with someone else long before you’ve had the chance to move on. The track feels rustic and ancient in its delivery, but in the most relevant way right now when you juxtapose it against singles where you can tell the artist was forcing a retrospective feel. Trevor Drury is an honest pop star, if you can imagine that, and his songwriting proves it... READ MORE

Dana Drury